Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Water is one of the basic necessities of life. Safe water is especially critical for children, who are the most vulnerable to water-related diseases. RIDE – UGANDA works in impoverished areas and school communities to provide potable water and adequate sanitation to decrease illnesses, improve health, and lessen the burden on women and children by reducing the distance to water collection points. In addition, sufficient water increases crop production and thus the ability of parents to adequately provide for their children with better nutrition and income from the sale of produce.
Through building Partnerships with other like-minded entities, RIDE – UGANDA’s Water, and Sanitation Programs help our communities to obtain adequate supplies of safe water and sanitation facilities by drilling new borehole wells, repairing existing wells, developing spring and rainwater catchments, providing water storage and constructing household latrines, refuse dumps, and surface water drainage systems.
These initiatives become sustainable as community members are trained to repair and maintain pumps and water sources, and serve on water and sanitation committees that oversee community improvements. RIDE – UGANDA also initiates hygiene education for children and adults, including proper hand and face washing to prevent disease.