We recognize the inexorable link between poverty and poor health and understand that poverty can lead to poor health, and poor health is also often a cause of poverty. Our target beneficiaries – the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalized populations, are most likely to suffer the consequences of poor health. We agree that ensuring healthy lives and promoting well being are essential to sustainable development.

RIDE – UGANDA implements projects that help individuals and rural communities develop health seeking behavior and improve health outcomes. As our focus is on sustainable solutions, we do not implement health service delivery, but rather direct our efforts on health education, training and capacity building, with an emphasis on the following outcomes:
· Improving access to health, which includes high quality medical care, and accessible and economical medicines and vaccines
· Reducing the number of mothers who die giving birth
· Preventing deaths of newborns and children under five years old
· Increasing uptake of family planning services
· Improving knowledge of preventative and reproductive health
RIDE – UGANDA implementing health education initiatives and community-based outreaches, capacity building for rural Village Health Teams, facilitation of preventative services, and promotion of community health linkages to improve equitable access to health.